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Tohono Chul @ Home: Inspired By Color
Tohono Chul

Color is everywhere ‘on the desert’, but, also under the desert, and over the desert. It is earth, plant, air.

edZOOcating: Taxonomy Mini - Lesson

Discover how scientists classify animals and explore the taxonomic hierarchy with interactive examples!

edZOOcating: Insect Metamorphosis Mini - Lesson

Explore metamorphosis process and learn how insects change from vulnerable eggs to fully-developed adults!

edZOOcating: Amphibian Metamorphosis Mini - Lesson

Amphibians change dramatically throughout their lives. Check it out!

edZOOcating: Scientific Names Mini - Lesson

Learn how to write an animal’s binomial (or Latin) name and discover the clues they give us!

edZOOcating: Rainforests Mini - Lesson

Rainforests are some of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. Discover how rainforests support thousands of species!

edZOOcating: Instincts Mini - Lesson

Dive in and explore the inherited behaviors, known as instincts, that help animals survive!

edZOOcating: Desert Ecosystems Mini - Lesson

Explore the driest ecosystem in the world and learn how plants and animals have adapted to these harsh conditions.

edZOOcating: Endangered Species Mini - Lesson

Discover how some of the world’s most amazing animals are being threatened with extinction.

edZOOcating: Inherited vs. Acquired Traits Mini - Lesson

Explore how animals developed the traits that make them unique!

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