Click HERE to view the 2023-2024 Community Report
Straight from the homelab – It’s time to experiment with Static Electricity!
Straight from the quarantine home lab – Zoe and the Cabin Fever Science crew teach you how to make edible snot using things you already have around the house.
Straight from the homelab – LAVA LAMP!
Science can be so many things! Try the tastiest science experiment ever!
Did you know that you can make a plastic bag EXPLODE mixing simple things that you already have in your house?!
In this Mystery, students investigate what it takes to make a stationary object’s shadow move.
You don’t need special equipment or a PhD to get kids excited about science. These easy science experiments are a snap to pull together, using household items you already have on hand.
Today we are exploring the wonderful world of chemistry with an acid-base experiment.
Hydrothermal vents are only found in the deep sea, but you can replicate one at home with a few materials and a simple experiment!
Explore the phenomenon of surface tension in this simple experiment using household materials.
Did you know you can grow vegetables from what’s in your fridge or pantry?
Oil spills occur when waterways and oceans are polluted by an escape of oil.
SciTech Institute 1438 W. Broadway Rd., Ste 101 Tempe, AZ 85282