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Explore.org: International Wolf Center North Camera

This camera overlooks a pack of wolves living at the International Wolf Center in northern Minnesota.

The Exhibit Pack includes our ambassador gray wolves Axel, Grayson (arctic gray wolves, littermates born in 2016), Rieka (female born in 2021), Caz and Blackstone (littermates born in 2022). Viewing the exhibit facing the north side you will see a large rock den for cover, a filtered pond with a protective pump house that serves as a high perch, an automatic waterer and a popular place for food deliveries. Even under human care, wolves can be elusive so if you don’t spot them right away, look closely in the background under the trees. Your patience will be rewarded. Visit our page, Meet Our Wolves, to learn some tips on how to ID each one of our wolves by name.

Best Viewing Hours: 6-9 a.m. and 5 to 8 p.m CT

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