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Environmental Protection Agency: Energy and Climate Change Research
  • Greenhouse gases (GHGs), including carbon dioxide, are warming the planet because of their heat-trapping characteristics. The warming and changing of the climate are leading to more heat waves, increased flooding, more wildfires and more destructive storms. These changes are negatively impacting the environment and public health.

    Human activity is responsible for almost all of the increase in GHGs over the last 150 years. The primary sources are from burning fossil fuels for transportation, electricity and industrial production, and commercial and residential activities.

    The United States and other countries are working to reduce GHG emissions globally and transition to the production and use of more sustainable energy sources. To support this effort, research is under way to better understand how new technologies in energy production and transportation will impact overall GHG emissions, the environment, and public health. The research is providing EPA, states, tribes and communities with scientific information and resources to project future emissions from energy sources and to develop and implement strategies for meeting GHG reduction goals. At the same time, research is being conducted to ensure that the benefits of a more sustainable energy system are distributed equitably and improve the lives of all Americans.

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Science Topics
Climate Change, Energy (Renewable), Fossil Fuels
Middle School
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade

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