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Mystery Science: What Will the Weather Be Like on Your Birthday?
Mystery Science

In this Mystery, students use observations of the four classic seasons to spot patterns and thereby determine the seasons’ order.

NOAA SciJinks

Launched in 2002, NOAA SciJinks inspires and engages students to learn about weather, satellite meteorology and Earth science.

Speakaboos Series: The Changing Seasons
Statewide Outreach Center Videos

The Changing Seasons by Sharon Bilman, a signed video read – aloud from the Educational Resource Center on Deafness.

Speakaboos Series: What is the Weather Today?
Statewide Outreach Center Videos

What is the Weather Today? by Sharon Bilman, a signed video read – aloud from the Educational Resource Center on Deafness.

StarTalk: Climate Confusion

The Mississippi Delta is experiencing historic flooding, tornadoes recently tore up towns in Alabama, and multiple blizzards buried the Northeastern U.S. last winter.

NASA Space Place: What Is La Niña?
NASA Space Place

La Niña is a weather pattern that begins in the Pacific Ocean.

Instructables: Hanging Gear Weather Station

In this Instructable, I’m going to be showing you how to build your own hanging gear weather station, which is made from CNC laser-cut MDF parts.

Instructables: Modular Solar Weather Station

One of the projects I wanted to build for some time was a Modular Weather Station. Modular in the sense that we can add the sensors we want just by changing the software.

Instructables: Humidity Light

This arduino controlled LED light changes color when the humidity is not optimal.

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