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Showing 41 - 58 of 58
Instructables: Get-Fit

A wearable device that monitors and records a person’s fitness activity by means of AI.

Instructables: ScanUp NFC Reader/Writer and Audio Recorder for Blind, Visually Impaired and Every...

The aim is to support visually impaired and blind people with a device, that allows to record audio in the .WAV format on a SD card and call that information by an NFC tag.

Instructables: How to Build a Battebot With Cardboard and Arduino

I created battlebots using the Arduino UNO and cardboard was used to build the bodies.

Instructables: Non Contact Midi Controller

Making things non-contact has been the trend nowadays.

Instructables: GranCare - Pocket Size Health Monitor!

Grandma wanted to have like a small health kit so she could keep a check on herself.

Instructables: A Tiny Compass With ATtiny85

ATtiny85 is a high performance and low power microcontroller.

Instructables: Stepper Motor Controlled Stepper Motor | Stepper Motor As a Rotary Encoder

In this Instructable, let’s use a stepper motor as a rotary encoder to control another stepper motor’s position using an Arduino microcontroller.

Instructables: Super Sized Acryllic Spectrum Analyzer

Why would you want to look at those tiny led displays or those small LCD’s if you can do it big?

Instructables: LEDura - Analog LED Clock

I will guide you through process of making your own analog clock made with awesome addressable LED ring.

Instructables: The Easiest Cardboard USB Steering Wheel

I decided to make this hybrid between a steering wheel and a Xbox controller ONLY OUT OF CARDBOARD!

Instructables: Obstacle Avoiding LEGO Robot

We love LEGO and we also love Crazy Circuits so we wanted to combine the two into a simple and fun robot that can avoid running into walls and other objects.

Instructables: Vitals Monitor for Frontline Workers

Wearable health monitoring technologies, including smartwatches and fitness trackers, have attracted considerable consumer interest over the past few years.

Instructables: Arduino Controlled Robotic Biped

In this Instructable, I will show you the design and assembly of the robotic biped.

Instructables: Arduino Retro Style MP3 Player!

I encountered the DFplayer module it really excited me with a bunch of features.

Instructables: Turn a Rotary Phone Into a Radio and Travel Through Time

Pick up the phone, choose a country and a decade, and listen to some great music!

Instructables: DMX Animatronic Robot

This project describes the development of a fully functional animatronic prototype.

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