K-12 Categories

STEM Careers Coalition: Machine Learning
How can AI systems contribute to problem-solving?

Students will use the skills of an Artificial Intelligence Research Scientist to help solve a problem in any field of their choosing. They will examine issues in their chosen industry and explore how AI and machine learning could be used to optimize new solutions.

Students will:
• Research and summarize
problems facing an industry
or field of their choice, as well
as the role that AI already
plays in this field.
• Develop a recommendation
for how machine learning
could help solve one of
these problems.
• Consider the biases that may
exist in training data-sets
for this solution.

High School: Grades 9-12
45-60 minute activity

Technology Topics
Artificial Intelligence
High School, Educator
9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade

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STEM Careers Coalition

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Lesson Plan
PDF File

Assigned Categories