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Showing 21 - 40 of 88
NRICH: Factorising with Multilink
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Can you find out what is special about the dimensions of rectangles you can make with squares, sticks and units?

NRICH: Pythagoras Perimeters
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

If you know the perimeter of a right angled triangle, what can you say about the area?

NRICH: Difference of Two Squares
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

What is special about the difference between squares of numbers adjacent to multiples of three?

NRICH: Hollow Squares
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Which armies can be arranged in hollow square fighting formations?

NRICH: Harmonic Triangle
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Can you see how to build a harmonic triangle? Can you work out the next two rows?

NRICH: Cuboid Perimeters
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Can you find the volume of a cuboid, given its perimeters?

NRICH: Choir Boys
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Can you work out how many members this choir has from these percentages?

NRICH: Brian's Number
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Brian chooses an integer and operates on it. Work out the largest integer that he could have chosen.

NRICH: Square Number Surprises
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

There are unexpected discoveries to be made about square numbers…

NRICH: Find the Factor
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Find a factor of 248−1.

NRICH: Length, Width and Area
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

The area of a rectangle is 225 square units. Find its width.

NRICH: Order the Products
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Can you put these products in order of size?

NRICH: Clever Calculation
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Find the shortcut to do this calculation quickly!

NRICH: Third Side
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

What are the possible lengths for the third side of this right-angled triangle?

NRICH: Temperature
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Is there a temperature at which Celsius and Fahrenheit readings are the same?

NRICH: Fruity Totals
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

In this interactivity each fruit has a hidden value. Can you deduce what each one is worth?

NRICH: Multiplication Mistake Age
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Jane accidentally multiplied by 54 instead of 45, and her answer was 198 too big. What number did she multiply 54 by?

NRICH: Terminology
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Given an equilateral triangle inside an isosceles triangle, can you find a relationship between the angles?

NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Take a triangular number, multiply it by 8 and add 1. What is special about your answer? Can you prove it?

NRICH: Fair Shares?
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

A mother wants to share a sum of money by giving each of her children in turn a lump sum plus a fraction of the remainder. How can she do this in order to share the money out equally?

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