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SciTech Institute STEM and Innovation Summit with ESGR and USS Phoenix Cold War Monument Foundation


SciTech Institute STEM and Innovation Summit with ESGR and USS Phoenix Cold War Monument Foundation

Take part in the future and interact with some of Arizona’s most influential thinkers at the 2019 STEM and Innovation Summit held in Scottsdale, Arizona.

This year’s statewide conference brought together Arizona’s key stakeholders in business, industry, education, government, NGO, the community to:

  • Share best practices, lessons and stories from the field
  • Experience the latest in Arizona technology and innovation
  • Build unique and diverse STEM networks
  • Discuss how we can work as connected ecosystem to improve public STEM awareness and improve workforce readiness


ESGR is a Department of Defense agency that seeks to facilitate and promote a culture of employer support of the Guard and Reserve Component. ESGR advocates relevant initiatives, recognizes outstanding support, increases awareness and resolves conflict between employers and service members focusing on three core functions: Military Outreach, Employer Outreach,and Ombudsman services. ESGR is volunteer led and mission driven.

Dan Irving is the Arizona State Chair, Employer Support for the Guard and Reserve (ESGR). He served as the State Command Chief Master Sergeant for the Arizona Air National Guard. Mr. Irving was the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Adjutant General and staff on matters pertaining to policies and actions that affected the training, readiness, utilization, health of the force and professional development of the enlisted members of the Arizona Air National Guard. He retired with more than 38 years of serve.

The USS Phoenix (SSN-702) Cold War Monument Foundation is a non-profit, all-volunteer group dedicated to preserving parts of the USS Phoenix (SSN-702), a nuclear-powered fast attack submarine named after the City of Phoenix and placing the parts in Steele Indian School Park as the centerpiece of a Cold War Monument honoring all Cold War Veterans and especially those submariners instrumental in ending the Cold War, circa 1946-1991.

Captain Pete Lumianski is a retired naval officer with 27 years of service as a naval aviator/helicopter pilot. He has been living in the Valley for 30 years and working on the USS Phoenix Cold War Monument project for over 25 of those years. He’s a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, 1965, a distinguished graduate of the Naval War College and holds an MBA from Bryant University.

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In your professional opinion, how can we better work as a connected ecosystem to improve public STEM awareness and improve workforce readiness?

Pete: Promote, promote, promote, especially among young people of school age. Using our Cold War/Submarine monument as an example of intense STEM-related thought and outcomes, build community awareness of the importance of and need for advanced scientific thinking and accomplishments.

In what ways are you and your organization involved in STEM education and/or the SciTech Institute?

Pete: The USS Phoenix (SSN-702) is a nuclear-powered fast attack submarine of the Los Angeles Class, part of the largest fleet of nuclear-powered submarines ever built. It’s a supreme example of a STEM product, and as such, has been used to showcase STEM technologies and outcomes. The USS Phoenix (SSN-702) Cold War Monument Foundation has been active in the STEM Community promoting STEM initiatives and activities by highlighting U.S. submarine operations and warfare technologies.

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