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US Storage Centers and Arizona SciTech Team Up

This year, we’re happy to announce that US Storage Centers Phoenix and the Arizona SciTech Festival have partnered up. Here are some reasons why STEM is so important, and why US Storage Centers is supporting the SciTech Festival–

The Arizona SciTech Festival is one of the largest celebrations across the state of Arizona that focuses on the promotion of STEM. The Festival is held every February and March in the state, and features over 1,000 expositions, exhibitions, tours, workshops, and conversations about science. The Festival is not only neat because it gives young people an opportunity to get excited about science and math, but because it engages community members from diverse backgrounds and of every age.

STEM Provides Exposure to Relevant Math and Science

Standing for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, STEM education is very important at an early age because it provides exposure to STEM subjects in a relevant manner. Indeed, STEM challenges–and many of the projects one will find at the SciTech Festival–are focused on solving real-world problems, many of which are also tailored to the level of the children involved. For example, a six-year-old will be presented with a different STEM project than a 16-year-old, which keeps kids engaged and ensures that STEM resonates.

The STEM Approach Is Fun

Unlike the old, hands-off approach to learning where kids spent hours sitting at their desks with pencil in hand, the STEM approach is a whole new fun, engaging way to learn the important concepts related to math, science, technology, and engineering. At the SciTech Festival, this is even more true – projects, demonstrations, and exhibitions are downright exciting for kids (and adults!), helping kids to get pumped up about STEM.

STEM–and the Arizona SciTech Festival–Is a Positive Community Influence

STEM is important because it focuses on real-life skills, knowledge, and science that kids will hopefully hold onto for many years to come, providing them with the basic building blocks they need to pursue a successful education and career. But putting the academic part of it aside, STEM and the Arizona SciTech Festival are also important because they have a strong, positive impact on community. The Festival, and STEM education, transcend boundaries, getting kids of all ages and from all backgrounds (including those in lower-income and rural areas) involved, and also involving cities, businesses, and other event promoters.

STEM Is Everywhere: Get Involved and Get Excited!

STEM is a very exciting thing for young people to be exposed to, and the Arizona SciTech Festival is one of the coolest demonstrations of STEM concepts in the state. If you want to learn more about upcoming events and festivals, check out the calendar and schedule of events here.

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