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SURPRISE Super Science Saturday and Their Unsung Heroes!

Surprise’s Super Science Saturday Has Lots of Surprises in Store

BY:  Michele Peters, AZ SciTech Writer

On Saturday, March 26 from 9:00 am – Noon at the Surprise Fire Station located at 15517 N. Parkview Place, the residents of Surprise, and anyone lucky enough to attend will have the unprecedented opportunity to meet, talk to and get to know the super unsung heroes, the true heroes of Surprise.

But in addition to meeting and talking to these fabulous heroes, attendees will get to see and learn first-hand how science is used in their everyday efforts to save, assist, rescue and keep everyone safe in their community.

Science is actually used by police, firefighters and the water department?  While that seems a bit unusual, when you get to learn about this, it really is quite fascinating.  There is true science involved in fighting fires; what is the chemical reaction to cause a fire, how does combustion happen, are chemicals used to stop a fire and can you really fight fire with fire?

What about sciences used by the police department?  Sherlock Holmes didn’t have all that the police departments now have to help solve crimes.  Just think how much faster he could apprehend those slippery criminals.  Now, there are so many popular TV shows, films and best-selling novels that all involve forensics.  Just what are the sciences used in forensics to solve crimes?  Here is your chance to see first-hand what those shows and books are revealing to help police solve crimes.  But forensics has come a long way since Paris 1879 when records were kept about criminals, height, weight, physical characteristics to fingerprints to today’s DNA technology.  Get out your sleuthing hat and your best questions to ask Surprise’s finest force.

Okay.  Now down to the nitty gritty – really!  The nitty gritty of water treatment.  Talk about full on science!  Where would we all be without the science behind keeping our water safe?  But what all is involved in this necessity to our survival?  Bring a healthy dose of curiosity and a strong stomach and you too will be fascinated with all that goes into keeping our water safe and usable.

Kendra Pettis, Economic Development, City of Surprise, was asked about this unusual theme for a science based event.  “…our fire and police are the most in touch with the members of our community.  They are the ones that build trust and respect in Surprise.  What better group of people to help us get the word out about science, the importance of science in our everyday lives.  It’s kind of a sneaky way to show our students how science is so important to all of us…how it is used all the time in our daily lives, and how science is used to keep us safe…from fighting fires, to fighting crime.  Science is used to ensure we have clean water.  That’s the one demonstration I think the kids will be most interested in – even though it has a higher yuck factor” she chuckled.

Surprise is a growing, dynamic and highly inventive community with a growing, thriving tech community which makes it a perfect fit to be part of the ever-growing, dynamic AZ SciTech Festival.

And in keeping with the science momentum of the city; during the interview, Pettis mentioned an upcoming event in April, sort of a science festival for adults that will feature beer-making and the science of ghost hunting.

The City of Surprise is certainly living up to its name – SURPRISE – in all ways, but especially science.  Don’t miss exciting Science Saturday – get to know those people in the community who are the unsung heroes and the science behind what they do to help you!

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