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STEM UNPLUGGED: Exploring Arizona Advanced Manufacturing Podcast Episode


STEM UNPLUGGED Exploring Arizona Advanced Manufacturing


SciTech Institute was established as a nonprofit organization as a conduit for collaboration among STEM industry, academia, civic, and non-profit organizations to align assets and resources to motivate individuals to pursue STEM-related educational and career paths. Together, we will build a world-class community of diverse STEM-literate workers and knowledgeable, engaged citizens. 

AZ MEP is Arizona’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership and part of the National MEP Network. AZ MEP provided business and operational excellence services to Arizona’s manufacturers. The group’s mission is to help every Arizona manufacturer to be the most successful business it can be. AZ MEP is part of the Arizona Commerce Authority.

Dave-Garafano-on-Phoenix-Business-RadioXDave Garafano is a technology and business professional who has spent more than 25 years in product and technology development and growing highly profitable businesses in the U.S., Asia, and Europe. He as spent the last four years helping Arizona’s manufacturers develop and execute highly effective business strategies focused on accelerating top-line growth and improved profitability.

Connect with Dave on LinkedIn.

Mesa Community College is the largest college in the Maricopa Community College District.

Leah-Palmer-on-Phoenix-Business-RadioXLeah Palmer has established a proven record of transformative and innovative results with over 20 years of hands-on experience forging productive partnerships and collaborative solutions such as building pipeline partnerships for accelerated technician training for several hundred students learning electrical wiring for Aerospace companies like Boeing.

As the current Executive Director for the Arizona Advanced Manufacturing Institute (AzAMI), she has developed implementation strategies for Workforce Development connecting the talent supply with competency-based training in automation, electronics, machining, 3D printing, drafting, and welding programs effectively addressing the growing workforce demands. Her expertise is strategic planning, program design, managing change, and building a systems approach to collaboration by bringing together education resources and Industry partners.

In addition to leading AzAMI at Mesa Community College, Leah has served as the Director for Workforce and Community Partnerships building workforce training partnerships, Associate Director for Community Partnerships, with the Center for Public Policy – Engaging executive leadership, project management, resource allocation and supporting the East Valley Think Tank (EVTT) for delivering education initiatives, Grant Administrator for the Communities Learning in Partnership (CLIP) Grant – in partnership with Mesa Public Schools and the City of Mesa.

MCC spearheaded a successful drive to secure a nationally competitive Bill & Melinda Gates planning grant, resulting in a $250K planning grant as well as a $3M implementation grant over 3 years, for the purpose of instituting systemic change to enhance the college completion rate of low-income youth, ages 16 to 26. Mobilized community leaders identifying the change necessary to build a vision, direct action teams, facilitate community engagement and oversee the planning, writing, evaluation and submission of the grant final application. Additionally, Leah serves as a passionate Adjunct Faculty, in the Communications Department.

Connect with Leah on LinkedIn.

About Our Sponsor

SciTech Institute™ was established as the Arizona Technology Council Foundation as the conduit for collaboration among STEM industry, academia, civic, and non-profit organizations in Arizona. Now, rebranded and named the SciTech Institute™ the goal centers around aligning assets and resources to motivate individuals to pursue STEM-related educational and career paths or find a passion while engaged in community events during the SciTech Festival.SciTech-Institute-LOGO-COLOR1

The Chief Science Officer program highlights the 6th-12th graders that have been selected as leaders in their schools and communities to receive training to build a world-class community of diverse STEM-literate workers and knowledgeable, engaged citizens. Science For All allows for tax credit donations to provide engaging experiences for students while RAIN (Rural Activation Innovation Network) focuses on resources for the rural areas of Arizona.

As a STEM Learning Ecosystem, SciTech Institute™ focuses on collaboration and connecting individuals with opportunities! STEM Professionals are encouraged to engage with the future workforce by serving as a mentor, leadership coach, panelist, keynote and session trainer during a variety of conferences hosted or sponsored by SciTech Institute™ and The Arizona Technology Council.

Teachers and Administrators are invited to connect with the resources available while activating a large network of STEM champions for student projects, judges at events, volunteers, exhibitors and more. SciTech Festival Event Coordinators are supported during the planning and execution of community STEM events around the state by the SciTech STREET Team Members and the growing network of volunteers. The possibilities are endless! SciTech Institute™ looks forward to connecting with you today. Visit today for more information.

Follow SciTech Institute on LinkedInFacebookTwitter and Instagram.

About Your Host

Kelly-Greene-on-Phoenix-Business-RadioXAfter graduating from Bolivar-Richburg High School in rural western New York and joining the United States Army, Kelly Greene learned quickly to adapt to her surroundings to be successful. She attended Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio and played shortstop on the Tiger softball team while earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education.

After graduating from Basic Training and Advanced Individual Training, she traveled the world with the military. While stationed in Misawa, Japan, Kelly fell in love with learning about cultures around the world. Even as a deployed Soldier during Operation Iraqi Freedom for two tours, she found opportunities to connect with the local children to form the Victory Base Council Girl Scouts with her fellow servicemen.

In 2013, she was deployed to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and traveled the country by air and had the opportunity to utilize the most advanced technologies available to the tactical HUMINT operations in theater. Upon return from combat, she retired with 21 years of service and began teaching 6th grade Math.

After being selected as a Westside Impact Teacher of the Year and having her Fiesta Bowl Charities Wish Granted for a morning news studio, she was asked to begin a new class on campus – 7th grade STEM! Using her enthusiastic nature and combined with her strong classroom management she was able to design curriculum based on the Engineering Design Process to have her 7th graders complete a new project every 2 weeks!

She is excited to serve as the Director of Student Success for the rapidly expanding Chief Science Officers Program. Her goal is to push students just a bit outside of their comfort zone so they can see for themselves the power of their own ideas.

About Your Co-Host

Shalae-Clemens-on-Phoenix-Business-RadioXChief Science Officer (CSO) Shalae Clemens is a member of the International Leadership Council and the current CSO of the Year.

She is a freshman at McClintock High School and a 3rd year CSO.

Shalae has a passion for STEM and is using her leadership skills to prepare the STEM workforce of tomorrow.

Connect with Shalae on Instagram.

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