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Intel celebrates 40 years in Arizona by making STEAM grants to 40 teachers

In celebration of our 40th anniversary here, Intel and the Intel Foundation are joining forces with the Arizona Educational Foundation to award 40 grants of up to $2,500 to 40 public school teachers from across the state to support science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) projects and initiatives. Grant eligibility, criteria, and the online application are available at The application window closes March 6, 2020.

Intel 40 for 40 Grants Guidelines

Applicant Eligibility

  • Any full-time certified PreK-12 grade teacher working in an Arizona district public school, public charter, or Bureau of Indian Education school is eligible to apply.

  • Grants are open to classroom teachers of any content area including Grade-level teachers, Arts, Special Education, Early Childhood Education, and Physical Education.

  • Projects must occur anytime between April 1st, 2020 – December 1st, 2020 at the school named in the application.

Grant Criteria

  • Grants must be used to fund STEAM projects (one-time or short-term) or programs (ongoing or long-term). STEAM is the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Math as pathways for student inquiry, creativity, discourse, and critical thinking.

  • Grants may be used for student-centered projects or programs serving individual classrooms, multiple classrooms, or schoolwide STEAM opportunities OR may be used to fund teacher professional development in STEAM.

  • Projects/programs must be teacher-led and school-sponsored.

  • After school programs and clubs are eligible as long as they are teacher-led and school-sponsored.

  • School-based Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Joint Technical Education District (JTED) programs are eligible to apply.

  • If awarded, teachers will be asked to submit a photo of themselves that will be shared in marketing and on social media.

  • If awarded, reporting requirements include teachers providing either five photos or one 60-second well-produced video suitable for sharing on social media. Teachers will be asked to obtain media releases for individuals depicted in videos or photos.

Project/Program Examples

The following list is a sampling of the types of projects or programs that would be eligible. This is not a comprehensive list. Applicants are welcome to submit other ideas as long as they meet the grant guidelines.

  • Increasing engineering and/or technology opportunities for students

  • Community-focused STEAM projects

  • Makerspaces

  • STEAM field trips

  • Sensory classrooms, gyms, or labs

  • Equipment/supplies needed for STEAM instruction

  • Edible schoolyards

  • Robotics clubs

  • STEAM training for teachers

Grant Restrictions

Funds may not be used for:

  • Hiring or compensating school employees.

  • Facility maintenance or repairs.

  • Non-profits, private schools, and home schools are ineligible.

  • No more than 25% of grant funds may be used to purchase Intel Corp. technology products.

Final Grant Reporting Requirement

Applications will be reviewed by Intel and community representatives to determine programs/projects that will be funded.

If funded, grantees will be required to email 5 photos of primary participants engaged in the project. Photos must be full-color, in focus, and show participants actively engaged in STEAM learning. All student participants in photos will be required to have their parents/guardians sign an Intel photo release form that enables Intel to use the photos on social media, websites, print materials, and for other promotional purposes. Note: To ease the burden of collecting release forms, not every student needs to be photographed.


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