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CSO Featured Blog: How Can Your Role as a CSO Impact Science Culture At Your School?

karla-sundance-esGuest Author: Karla, chief science officer, Sundance Elementary School, Oct 1, 2016

“I think that my role as CSO can impact science culture at my school by: spreading the word, bringing excitement into my school, and bring new science events to my school. At my school, not many people like science and I want to change that because I feel that science is an important skill that you will use in life whether you know it or not.

The main way I can Impact science culture at my school is by bringing new science events to my school. To do that I need to do the following:

Make the events exciting– I can venture out to all grade levels, ages, and genders so that there is something that interests everyone and not just a certain group of people.
Spread the word– by making different posters, advertisements, and even talking to my peers to try and get them interested. If I have my peers on board with me, then they could spread the word to where the whole school can hear what’s going on. I could also use the school “Mustang Media” news channel that is shown in the mornings to spread the word even further.
Bring excitement– I can take into people’s ideas and considerations so that they feel like they have a voice in out school’s science culture. Doing this, will make students want to come to these events because they know that it’s their idea and they want to see it come to life.

Doing these things as a CSO at my school, can bring an apprising into the school so that people start to love science and don’t just see it as a subject that they have to learn at school. I want them to see it as an opportunity for a science related career and an open window into their future. The students that attend my school feel like they won’t use anything they learn in science in their life so they don’t pay attention and end up flunking the classes. If they flunk these classes, then they won’t be able to have a future or a career and I believe that everyone should have both of those things.”

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