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Chief Science Officer Delegates: On the road (and in the heat)!

In July, GO STEM sent 3 of its Chief Science Officers (CSOs) to Phoenix for an international CSO Leadership Training Institute (LTI). The training included international delegates from Georgia, Kuwait, Kenya, Arizona, Texas, and Oregon.

CSOs practiced and refined their leadership skills, learned and practiced STEMonstrations, and learned how to create and manage STEM action plans. Oregon delegates also got to meet with top STEM employers and attend an Apollo 11 launch party with NASA engineers!

Our CSOs will be applying their new skills in August at Oregon’s CSO LTI. At this statewide LTI, Oregon CSOs from the Columbia Gorge and Frontier STEM hubs will join the GO STEM CSOs at EOU for 2 days of leadership and science training.

In AY 2018-2019, GO STEM hosted CSO programs in 6 counties, with 21 CSOs and 9 advisors. Our CSOs serve as local STEM champions. They speak up for STEM with local legislators and help the community create more STEM awareness and opportunities.

We invite more student and advisor participation! CSO advisors can be educators (formal/informal) or even community members. A small stipend and travel support is available.

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