Innovation Generation: Oceans of Drinking Water
Innovation Generation

In this activity, students will learn about a real city that was predicted to run out of water and a potential solution using the process of desalination.

Crash Course Kids: A Fresh Future - Episode 33.2
Crash Course Kids

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about a few different examples how some freshwater sources were good, then bad, then made good again.

Crash Course Kids: Water Fix! - Episode 36.2
Crash Course Kids

How can we fix water shortages?

OdySea Aquarium: Water (Grades 1 - 2)
OdySea Aquarium

Students will focus on parts of the water cycle and basic water conservation themes.

Short Wave: Saving Water A Flush At A Time
Short Wave (NPR)

Flushing toilets can consume a lot of water. So Tak-Sing Wong, a biomedical engineer at Penn State University, is trying to minimize how much is needed.

California Academy of Sciences: Exploring Our Growing Need for Water
California Academy of Sciences

In this two-day lesson, students will be introduced to several water sustainability issues, including access to clean freshwater, groundwater depletion, agricultural water use, and water waste.

California Academy of Sciences: Fresh Solutions - Design Thinking Challenge
California Academy of Sciences

Are your students ready to tackle a water conservation issue at home or in their school?

California Academy of Sciences: Rapid Brainstorming - How Can We Conserve Our Water Resources?
California Academy of Sciences

In this lesson, students will practice rapid ideation—an important step in design thinking—by brainstorming solutions to issues surrounding global water use and conservation.

California Academy of Sciences: Sustainable Water Solutions - Weighing the Pros and Cons
California Academy of Sciences

How do we assess the benefits and drawbacks of various solutions to a problem? To decide how one potential solution compares to another, we have to consider the pros and cons of each from many dimensions: environmental, social, cultural, and economic.

California Academy of Sciences: Your Hidden Water Footprint - Defining a Problem to Find a Solution
California Academy of Sciences

The purpose of this activity is to give students practice putting a design problem into perspective. In this case, the class will explore the often surprising amount of water used in producing everyday products like cola, leather boots, smartphones, and chocolate bars.

California Academy of Sciences: Flipside Science - Fresh Solutions: Water Use and Conservation
California Academy of Sciences

In this Flipside Science unit, designed for a middle school audience, we’ll explore environmental issues related to our water use. On this page you’ll find five short videos and five associated lesson plans connected to the Next Generation Science Standards with an emphasis on engineering and design thinking.

Environmental Protection Agency: How Can You Help Protect Source Water?
Environmental Protection Agency

Communities, citizen groups, and individuals can take an active role in protecting their drinking water sources from contamination.