Innovation Generation: Reducing the Pacific Garbage Patch
Innovation Generation

Students will investigate the impact different types of plastics have on our ecosystem & design a new version of plastic using biodegradable materials.

Science Vs: Plastics - The Final Straw?
Science Vs

This week we tackle the War on Straws and how worried we should be about all the plastic filling our oceans.

California Academy of Sciences: Flipside Science - Healthy Oceans
California Academy of Sciences

In this Flipside Science unit, designed for a middle school audience, we’ll dive into the issues affecting our oceanic resources and biodiversity.

Environmental Protection Agency: Trash Free Waters
Environmental Protection Agency

Most of the trash that pollutes our rivers, lakes, estuaries, and oceans comes from sources on land. 

STEM Careers Coalition: Plastic Patrol
STEM Careers Coalition

How can communities reduce impact of plastic waste on the environment?