Jessie Rack: Science will Save the World - All About Pollination
Jessie Rack (University of Arizona)

Get ready to learn about the birds and the bees! That’s the story of pollination – when flowers use animals to help them get their pollen from place to place so they can make seeds.

DreamUp: Grass in Space

Here’s an easy experiment you can do to see the differences in how plants grow on Earth compared to how they grow in microgravity on the International Space Station.

Brains On! Carnivorous Plants: How They Lure, Trap, and Digest
Brains On!

Most plants get the energy and nutrients they need from water, sunlight, air and soil. But carnivorous plants get key nutrients from a different source: bugs.

Brains On! Surviving the Desert at Joshua Tree National Park
Brains On!

We’ll learn the tricks trees, bats and roadrunners use to make it in Joshua Tree National Park in California.

Crash Course Kids: Feed Me - Classifying Organisms - Episode 1.2
Crash Course Kids

FEED ME! In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina has a chat with us about what living things eat to get energy.

Crash Course Kids: Who Needs Dirt - Episode 27.1
Crash Course Kids

So… do plants need dirt? The truth might shock you.

Crash Course Kids: Look Who's Talking - Episode 27.2
Crash Course Kids

Plants! We absolutely depend on them.

Crash Course Kids: Vegetation Transformation - Episode 5.2
Crash Course Kids

In this episode, Sabrina talks about how photosynthesis works!

OLogy: What Do You Know About Poison?
OLogy (American Museum of Natural History)

Will it kill you or cure you? Test your knowledge with this quiz.

Ologies: Part 1 & 2 - Dendrology (TREES) with Casey Clapp: UPDATES + NEW INTERVIEW

Part 1 of a very special duo: Do trees have feelings? How do they talk? How old can they get? Are there any tree stories that will make me cry? Spoiler: YES. Part 2 is the fresh catch-up interview to learn what the world’s most charming and enthusiastic tree expert, Casey Clapp, has been up to since his 2018 episode aired.