CSS Grid Garden
Grid Garden

Welcome to Grid Garden, where you write CSS code to grow your carrot garden!

Girls Who Code: Building an Activist Toolkit Pt. 5 - Responsive Design
Girls Who Code

In this lesson, you will learn how to make sure your website looks great on different screen sizes like laptop, tablet, and mobile devices.

Girls Who Code: Building an Activist Toolkit Pt. 4 - Add CSS Style
Girls Who Code

Now that you have some HTML written for your website, it’s time to beautify it with some CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets!

Girls Who Code: Digital Memory Book with HTML + CSS
Girls Who Code

Have you ever wanted to make your own website to store your memories?

Girls Who Code: Skillshare / Share Your Skillz
Girls Who Code

Learn how to use HTML and CSS to build a tutorial that teaches someone how to do something.