ABCya! Percent Panic

Percent Panic is a game for children to see the relationships between: area, percents, and fractions.

youcubed: Youcubed My Heart
youcubed (Stanford University)

My heart is always with youcubed. Here’s a tessellation of our logo!

youcubed: Curved Shapes
youcubed (Stanford University)

This activity is an occasion for creative and intuitive thinking about the areas of curves, that could be the opportunity for the learning of Reimann Sums and definite integrals. 

youcubed: Apple Orchard (4-12)
youcubed (Stanford University)

This layout based on how apple trees are planted in orchards leads to some interesting explorations of area, patterns, and growth rates.

NRICH: Perimeter Expressions
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Create some shapes by combining two or more rectangles. What can you say about the areas and perimeters of the shapes you can make?

NRICH: Pick's Theorem
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Polygons drawn on square dotty paper have dots on their perimeter (p) and often internal (i) ones as well. Find a relationship between p, i and the area of the polygons.

NRICH: Linear Area
NRICH (University of Cambridge)

Find the area of the triangle enclosed by these lines.

Minecraft Education Edition: Teaching Area and Volume With Minecraft

Try these lesson resources to help teach students about the concepts of area and volume.

Illuminations: Rectangular Area
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

What is the area of the shaded region, in square centimeters?

Illuminations: Square in a Square
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

What is the ratio of the area of the smaller square to the area of the larger square?

Illuminations: Square Patterns
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

What is the area of the shaded part?