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STEM Careers Coalition: Distillation of Crude Oil (DLB)
How important is the process of oil distillation in our everyday lives?

Students use the design engineering process and build their own mixtures to better understand the process of distillation. They will synthesize information to determine relationships between hydrocarbon size, boiling points, and final petroleum products made through the distillation of crude oil.

Middle School: Grades 6–8
45–60 minute activity

Science Topics
Advanced Manufacturing, Chemistry, Fossil Fuels
Engineering Topics
Engineering Process, Materials
Middle School, Educator
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Descriptions of PDFs

Distillation of Crude Oil Classroom Activity Bundle (zip)

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STEM Careers Coalition

Website URL

Type of Resource

Lesson Plan
PDF File

Assigned Categories

Resource k12

STEM Careers Coalition: Distillation of Crude Oil (DLB)
How important is the process of oil distillation in our everyday lives?

Students use the design engineering process and build their own mixtures to better understand the process of distillation. They will synthesize information to determine relationships between hydrocarbon size, boiling points, and final petroleum products made through the distillation of crude oil.

Middle School: Grades 6–8
45–60 minute activity
Science Topics
Advanced Manufacturing, Chemistry, Fossil Fuels
Engineering Topics
Engineering Process, Materials
Middle School, Educator
6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Descriptions of PDFs

Distillation of Crude Oil Classroom Activity Bundle (zip)

What are you looking for?


STEM Careers Coalition

Website URL

Type of Resource

Lesson Plan
PDF File

Assigned Categories