Popular Mechanics

Since 1902, Popular Mechanics has been the authority on how your world works.

We bring our audience the latest news on innovations and inventions across the automotive, DIY, science, technology, and outdoor spaces. We also serve our readers with the knowledge they need to get the most out of life, whether that’s how to change a tire, how to build a farmhouse table, how to find your lost phone, or how to hike the Appalachian Trail. Popular Mechanics is about wonder, about being curious about the world around you, and it’s about getting your hands dirty, too.

When it was founded, our magazine used the tagline “Written so you can understand it,” and today, we still follow that ethos. Whether we’re explaining the last technology news or demonstrating how to install a light switch, Popular Mechanics explains the world in an easy-to-understand, jargon-free way while also offering readers the depth of information they need to succeed.

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