Try this version of Snap with a friend – do you know the order of the days of the week?

Ages 5 – 7

This is a game for two players.

You will need a set of the snap cards between you. For the set, you’ll need to print off seven copies of this Word document or this pdf.  Cut out the cards and take out two of the holiday cards so you’re left with forty nine days of the week cards and five holiday cards.

days of week cards

Share the cards out face down.
Take turns to turn over a card and add it to a pile in the middle.
Say ‘snap’ if the two cards are days which are next to each other in the week, like Saturday and Sunday.
Whoever says ‘snap’ first picks up the whole pile and puts them on the bottom of their own.
If you turn over a holiday card then you must both say ‘holiday’ instead. Whoever says it first picks up the pile.

You could change the rules so that there has to be one day in between the two cards for you to say ‘snap’.

Perhaps you can make up your own rules too? Please let us know what works well.

Math Topics
Deductive Reasoning & Logical Thinking
Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade
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Snap cards.

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NRICH (University of Cambridge)

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Type of Resource

Board/Card Game
PDF File

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