Instructables: Earbud Buddies

In this activity, students practice the Engineering Design Process on a challenge that is relevant to them, while learning 3D modeling on Tinkercad.

The Earbud “Buddy” is a fun creation that helps keep an earbud cord from getting tangled when storing the earbuds. The earbuds could be a simple set provided by the teacher, or the student’s own set.

Students will combine art, math, and technical concepts as they create a design that is meaningful to them while dimensioning it to fit the physical objects they have measured. The designs are likely to be quick to print (less than 15 min) allowing for multiple iterations while students improve and refine their designs.

Technology Topics
Online & Software Tools
K-6, Middle School
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade

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