SciShow Psych: Why Pregnancy Makes You Forgetful... but Helps Your Baby
SciShow Psych

Baby brain, pregnancy brain, momnesia—the fogginess that can appear during pregnancy goes by many names, but memory loss is only one of the changes that occurs while the brain prepares for an upcoming baby.

SciShow Psych: Can Moving Your Eyes Re-Code Your Memories?
SciShow Psych

The simple eye movements involved in EMDR therapy are supposed to help you reprocess traumatic memories, but does it actually work?

SciShow Psych: Why Can't We Figure Out What Causes Chemo Brain?
SciShow Psych

Chemotherapy can make patients much more forgetful than normal, but pinning down the cause of and solution to this phenomenon is an ongoing process.

SciShow Psych: What It's Like to Have a Near-Perfect Memory
SciShow Psych

Having a perfect memory sounds like the most amazing thing ever, but there’s also a downside of having hyperthymesia.

SciShow Psych: We Don't Know How To Type
SciShow Psych

When we type, our brain is doing most of the work without our conscious input. So you can blame your brain for al teh typsos.

SciShow Psych: Why Is Riding a Bike "Just Like Riding a Bike?"
SciShow Psych

Even if it’s been a while since you last rode a bike, you could probably ride it again without going through the training wheel phase. It’s because our brains do some fascinating works to store those memories.

SciShow Psych: How Close Are We to Growing Brains in a Dish?
SciShow Psych

You may have heard about a study where researchers were able to grow lumps of neural tissue that showed measurable activity – a little bit like an actual brain.

SciShow Psych: Why Can’t I Remember My Dreams?
SciShow Psych

Everyone has dreams, but some people are better at remembering them than others.

SciShow Psych: Engrams - Where Your Brain Keeps Memories
SciShow Psych

A memory isn’t stored in your brain in a neat little package, but is instead spread across a pattern of cells in different regions.

SciShow Psych: How Do You Define A Disorder?
SciShow Psych

The tremendous complexity of the human brain makes it difficult for psychologists to pin down exactly how and why things go wrong, so how do we define and diagnose disorders?

SciShow Psych: Tasting Colors and Seeing Time - Superhuman Skills with Synesthesia
SciShow Psych

Synesthesia allows people to hear color or taste numbers—and maybe even remember some things better than the average person.

SciShow Psych: Why Is It So Hard to Remember Things Right Now?
SciShow Psych

If you feel like you’ve been more forgetful than normal recently, you’re definitely not alone.