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Showing 41 - 56 of 56
Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Lyme Disease
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator tracks the rate of reported Lyme disease cases across the United States.

Environmental Protection Agency: Tribal Connection - Trends in Stream Temperature in the Snake River
Environmental Protection Agency

This feature tracks the summer water temperature of the Snake River.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Stream Temperature
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator shows changes in stream water temperature across the Chesapeake Bay region.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Streamflow
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator describes trends in the amount of water carried by streams across the United States, as well as the timing of runoff associated with snowmelt.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Wildfires
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator tracks the frequency, extent, and severity of wildfires in the United States.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Leaf and Bloom Dates
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator examines the timing of leaf growth and flower blooms for two widely distributed plants in the United States.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Marine Species Distribution
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator examines changes in the location of fish, shellfish, and other marine species along U.S. coasts.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Bird Wintering Ranges
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator examines changes in the winter ranges of North American birds.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Great Lakes Water Levels and Tempera...
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator measures water levels and surface water temperatures in the Great Lakes.

Environmental Protection Agency: Wildland Fire Research to Protect Health and the Environment
Environmental Protection Agency

EPA is using its expertise in air quality research to fill the gaps in scientific information and to develop tools to prevent and reduce the impact of smoke from wildfires and controlled or prescribed burns.

Environmental Protection Agency: Air Quality and Climate Change Research
Environmental Protection Agency

Climate change can impact air quality and, conversely, air quality can impact climate change. 

Environmental Protection Agency: Human Health and Climate Change Research
Environmental Protection Agency

Climate change is having direct and indirect impacts on the health of people.

Environmental Protection Agency: Energy and Climate Change Research
Environmental Protection Agency

EPA researchers are improving our understanding of how changes in energy production and use can impact climate change and the environment and how climate change can impact energy production.

Environmental Protection Agency: Household Energy and Clean Cookstove Research
Environmental Protection Agency

EPA is an international leader in household energy research and provides independent scientific data on stove emissions and energy efficiency to support the development of cleaner sustainable technologies.

Environmental Protection Agency: Particulate Matter (PM) Air Sensor Kits
Environmental Protection Agency

A Particulate Matter air sensor kit has been developed by EPA researchers as an educational tool to teach children about air quality and air science.

Environmental Protection Agency: Generate - The Game of Energy Choices
Environmental Protection Agency

Generate is an interactive game that allows students to explore energy choices and teaches the considerations and costs in deciding what type of energy generation to build.

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Showing 41 - 56 of 56
Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Lyme Disease
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator tracks the rate of reported Lyme disease cases across the United States.

Environmental Protection Agency: Tribal Connection - Trends in Stream Temperature in the Snake River
Environmental Protection Agency

This feature tracks the summer water temperature of the Snake River.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Stream Temperature
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator shows changes in stream water temperature across the Chesapeake Bay region.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Streamflow
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator describes trends in the amount of water carried by streams across the United States, as well as the timing of runoff associated with snowmelt.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Wildfires
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator tracks the frequency, extent, and severity of wildfires in the United States.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Leaf and Bloom Dates
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator examines the timing of leaf growth and flower blooms for two widely distributed plants in the United States.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Marine Species Distribution
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator examines changes in the location of fish, shellfish, and other marine species along U.S. coasts.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Bird Wintering Ranges
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator examines changes in the winter ranges of North American birds.

Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Change Indicators - Great Lakes Water Levels and Tempera...
Environmental Protection Agency

This indicator measures water levels and surface water temperatures in the Great Lakes.

Environmental Protection Agency: Wildland Fire Research to Protect Health and the Environment
Environmental Protection Agency

EPA is using its expertise in air quality research to fill the gaps in scientific information and to develop tools to prevent and reduce the impact of smoke from wildfires and controlled or prescribed burns.

Environmental Protection Agency: Air Quality and Climate Change Research
Environmental Protection Agency

Climate change can impact air quality and, conversely, air quality can impact climate change. 

Environmental Protection Agency: Human Health and Climate Change Research
Environmental Protection Agency

Climate change is having direct and indirect impacts on the health of people.

Environmental Protection Agency: Energy and Climate Change Research
Environmental Protection Agency

EPA researchers are improving our understanding of how changes in energy production and use can impact climate change and the environment and how climate change can impact energy production.

Environmental Protection Agency: Household Energy and Clean Cookstove Research
Environmental Protection Agency

EPA is an international leader in household energy research and provides independent scientific data on stove emissions and energy efficiency to support the development of cleaner sustainable technologies.

Environmental Protection Agency: Particulate Matter (PM) Air Sensor Kits
Environmental Protection Agency

A Particulate Matter air sensor kit has been developed by EPA researchers as an educational tool to teach children about air quality and air science.

Environmental Protection Agency: Generate - The Game of Energy Choices
Environmental Protection Agency

Generate is an interactive game that allows students to explore energy choices and teaches the considerations and costs in deciding what type of energy generation to build.