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California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - What Animals Live in a Coral Reef?
California Academy of Sciences

Plunge into a teeming, tropical Philippine coral reef and get a closer look at the eels, crabs, sea stars, and nudibranchs that call it home. 

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - Ocean Acidification (Video)
California Academy of Sciences

Academy educator Aya shares all the dirty details about ocean acidification—and how humans can be part of the solution.

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - Ocean Acidification Experiment
California Academy of Sciences

Ocean acidification is one of the biggest threats to coral reefs. With a few household ingredients, you can see how it works—right in your own kitchen.

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - Diving with Dave
California Academy of Sciences

Step inside the Academy’s dive locker and see what it takes to keep everything running swimmingly.

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - How Do Scientist Divers Explore the Twilight Zone
California Academy of Sciences

Exploring the “Twilight Zone” 200-500 feet below the surface is not for the average diver. Learn more about the unique creatures that live at these depths, and the challenges Academy scientists have had to overcome to discover them.

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - How Do Humans Depend on Coral Reefs?
California Academy of Sciences

Coral reefs are not just beautiful and biodiverse—they’re incredibly important for humans, too. 

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - The Case for Deep Reef Protection
California Academy of Sciences

Hear from an Academy ichthyologist and coral biologist about why diving the Twilight Zone is so exciting—and important.

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - Penguins Swimming and Braying
California Academy of Sciences

That’s a loud sound for a little bird! Every penguin has its own unique bray, which it uses to identify itself to other penguins.

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - The Academy's New Penguin Chick
California Academy of Sciences

It’s a boy! Meet a very fuzzy penguin chick that hatched at the Academy, and observe the specialized care provided by our biologists.

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - Color a Penguin
California Academy of Sciences

Print out the coloring page and transform the penguin into your own colorful masterpiece. 

California Academy of Sciences: Science @ Home - Pierre the Penguin Storytime
California Academy of Sciences

What happens when an Academy penguin gets sick?

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