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Ologies: Spesh Ep: Hematology (BLOOD) with Brian Durie

In this special episode, Alie sits down with Scotsman and hematologist Dr. Brian Durie to talk about blood: what it is, and what can go wrong.

Ologies: Herpetology (REPTILES) with David Steen

Learn more about what makes a herp a herp, the unfortunate etymology behind the ology, and why you’ll be a rebel by loving snakes.

Short Wave Podcast
Short Wave (NPR)

It’s science for everyone, using a lot of creativity and a little humor. Join host Maddie Sofia for science on a different wavelength.

Short Wave: A Pesky Rumble - Pink Bollworms Vs. Cotton Farmers
The Adaptors

NPR food and farming reporter Dan Charles gives us the play-by-play to how it took two concurrent approaches to eradicate this devastating pest.

Short Wave: Our More-Than-Five Senses
Short Wave (NPR)

NPR Short Wave reporter Emily Kwong speaks to neurobiologist André White, assistant professor at Mount Holyoke College, about our senses — the beautiful, intricate system that carries information from the outside world in.

Short Wave: Let's Go Back To Venus!
Short Wave (NPR)

NPR science correspondent Geoff Brumfiel makes the case for why humans should reconsider visiting to Venus.

Short Wave: Micro Wave - How 'Bout Dem Apple...Seeds
Short Wave (NPR)

In today’s episode, host Maddie Sofia talks to producer Thomas Lu about how apple seeds could potentially be toxic to humans but why, ultimately, most people don’t have to worry about eating the whole apple.

Short Wave: Meet The Ko'Ko', The Comeback Bird
Short Wave (NPR)

Wildlife biologist Suzanne Medina tells us the story of how the Guam Department of Agriculture brought the Ko’Ko’ back, with a little matchmaking and a lot of patience.

Short Wave: The Hunt For The World's Oldest Ice
Short Wave (NPR)

Scientists think the world’s oldest ice is hiding somewhere in Antarctica.

Short Wave: Micro Wave - What Makes Curly Hair Curl?
Short Wave (NPR)

Hair scientist Crystal Porter explains the science behind curly hair.

Short Wave: CubeSat - Little Satellite, Big Deal
Short Wave (NPR)

We talk about three cutting-edge CubesSat missions, MarCO, Near-Earth Asteroid Scout, and Lunar Flashlight, and how this satellite technology evolved from university laboratories to deep space.

Short Wave: It's Okay To Sleep Late (Do It For Your Immune System)
Short Wave (NPR)

Hassan speaks to Short Wave’s Emily Kwong about de-stigmatizing sleeping in late, and why a good night’s rest is so important for your immune system.

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