Town of Gilbert: HSI Child & Babysitting Safety Training [#37805]
The Childcare & Babysitting Safety (CABS) course, helps build confidence, self-esteem and skills necessary to care for infants and children on a daily basis and in emergency situations. Topics include: starting your business, communicating with parents, relating to children, key safety, care-giving, and first aid tips. Students receive a workbook and a 2 year CABS certificate upon successful completion.
Age at least 11 yrs but less than 17 yrs,
- Audience: Teens (13 - 18 years), Tweens (9 - 12 years)
- Genre: Bioscience, Heath & Medicine, Entrepreneurship
- Type: Workshop
- Date Custom: 08/17/2024
- Allowed Ages: Tweens, Teens