Pima County Public Library: Clothing Modification Camp for Teens
Join us in June for our 3-day Clothing Modification Camp. Over these three days, we will learn how to take standard t-shirts and turn them into fun customized clothing. We will be tie dying/stencil dying using bleach, learning to cut and tie details, and exploring other ways to liven up your wardrobe.
Some t-shirts will be provided, but most are size large. Please bring your own shirts to customize, but make sure that you won’t be devastated if they don’t turn out perfect; so probably don’t bring your favorite shirt. Remember, this will be a learning process, and also your first few attempts at clothing modification if you’ve never done it before, so results may vary.
If bringing in clothing to work on, which will be necessary if you want to make more than one item, plain t-shirts and graphic tees are recommended. Feel free to bring in anything else you want to customize and you’ll have the freedom to figure out what you want to do to it with the materials we have.
Because we will be using bleach, please do not wear any clothing that you do not want to get damaged (including your nice shoes). While we will do our best to keep our clothing unstained, we cannot promise the safe passage of worn clothing through the gauntlet of these three days.
Note: this is a free program and registration is not required, but space is limited and it is first-come first served. However, if you bring your own clothing to work on it will make it easier to include you in the program, even if attendance is high.
In order to participate in the program, you must be present for the first day, and are expected to come to all three days.
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – Thursday, June 27, 202
- Audience: Teens (14 - 18 years)
- Genre: Engineering
- Type: Workshop
- Date Custom: 06/25/2024 - 6/27/2024
- Allowed Ages: Teens