HeatSync Labs: Prusa Users Group (PUG)
The first Thursday of every month a few of us are going to grab a Prusa and ride to the lab! Want to join us? You might be asking . . . but then what? Here is just a short list!
1) diagnose and fix print problems
2) maintenance (every 300 print hours it’s suggested you look over your printer!)
3) share model ideas
4) model and print challenges
5) anything to advance CAD skills
6) finally setup an MMU
Heatsync is the perfect place to work on our 3D printers since there is plenty of space, bright lights, and a wide range of tools.
Michelle: Mmueller1227@gm
Sheldon: sheldon@tooshel
Q: Does it have to be a Prusa?
A: NO! Of course not! That’s just what we have the most experience with but anyone is welcome! Even Bambu owners! 🙂 We are happy to help with any printer but our experience happens to be with what we own. We even had the idea that we could have a Voron building series! We love Prusa but we also just enjoy the hobby and that includes building printers (which is part of why we were drawn to Prusa in the first place).
Q: Will you fix my printer?
A: Maybe? We are all volunteers and are here because we enjoy the hobby. We hope to help instill you with the knowledge and confidence to fix and maintain your printer.
- Audience: Adults, STEM Professionals
- Genre: Engineering, Technology & Computer Science
- Type: Workshop
- Date Custom: 10/03/2024
- Allowed Ages: Adults