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Children’s Museum Oro Valley: Nature Niños Activity

The Nature Niños open arts & craft activity opens at 10 am and is available until CMOV closure. This activity is related to the story time book of the day and is nature-focused.

The indoor space includes exhibits from the original Oro Valley location: Airways, Peek-a-Boo Place, Farmers Market, Fun Mirrors and the Light Table. This area is still designed for kids 5 and younger. The indoor space is open 9 am-1 pm Tuesdays-Sundays.

Outdoor spaces have activities and exhibits that older kids will definitely enjoy: Block Building; Clay Studio; Mud Kitchen; Water Table; Paint Sculpture; an outside Art Studio with painting, drawing and even pretend planting; outdoor musical instruments; the Meditation Garden is also within the CMOV space, with music and slate painting. These spaces will be accessible whenever Tohono Chul is open.

Free with Admission

  • Audience: Kids (6 - 8 years), Preschoolers (3 - 5 years), Toddlers (up to 36 months), Tweens (9 - 12 years)
  • Genre: STEM/STEAM
  • Type: Workshop
  • Date Custom: 10/06/2024
  • Allowed Ages: Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens

The event is finished.



Oct 06 2024


Free with Admission


Pima STEM Hub


Children's Museum Oro Valley at Tohono Chul
7366 N Paseo Del Norte, Tucson, AZ, 85704


Children's Museum Tucson/Oro Valley
(520) 792-9985 (Tucson)
(520) 297-8004 (Oro Valley)
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