Click HERE to view the 2023-2024 Community Report
Straight from the homelab – LAVA LAMP!
Science can be so many things! Try the tastiest science experiment ever!
Did you know that you can make a plastic bag EXPLODE mixing simple things that you already have in your house?!
In this Mystery, students investigate what it takes to make a stationary object’s shadow move.
You don’t need special equipment or a PhD to get kids excited about science. These easy science experiments are a snap to pull together, using household items you already have on hand.
Shine some light on a customizable cut-out figure with this festive electronics project.
Design and 3D print your own articulated charm bracelet, of any length!
This lesson explores the algorithms used to divide a standard piece into any number of fractions and line them up side by side to recreate the whole.
Design and 3D print an articulated snake, of any length!
In this activity, students design and build a balloon-powered car for play or to compete in a performance challenge.
In this activity, students will learn the manufacturing process of casting and molding as well as 3D design.
Students use Tinkercad to design and create original coins, medallions, or other decorative items that depict the important features of a person, place, thing, or concept.
SciTech Institute 1438 W. Broadway Rd., Ste 101 Tempe, AZ 85282