Robotics 31 listings
Makers Making Change
Makers Making Change

Makers Making Change connects people with disabilities to volunteer makers to build assistive technologies.

Innovation Generation: Robotic Helpers
Innovation Generation

In this activity, students will learn about assistive technology robots and the algorithms used so robots can accomplish tasks that are difficult for humans.

Instructables: Simple 3D Printable Arduino CNC Drawing Machine

How to make a simple and high quality 3D printable CNC drawing machine to draw on (almost) anything.

Instructables: How to Built a Chess Robot With Arduino Mega

The board executes micro-Max source code, allowing you to run chess logic on an Arduino Mega and execute the proper moves with a 6DOF mechanical arm.

Instructables: Whistle Controlled Robot

This robot is completely guided everywhere by whistle, much like the “Golden Sonic Toy” made in 1957.

Instructables: Chicken Coop Door - Arduino Based

We all want our chickens to be safe at night so that’s where creativity pops up. There’s work to be done.

Instructables: The Moving OLOID - a Different Pet in Different Times

If we have to keep away from humans (to not infect and not be infected) and animals but remain the social beings we are, what should we do?

Instructables: How to Build a Battebot With Cardboard and Arduino

I created battlebots using the Arduino UNO and cardboard was used to build the bodies.

Instructables: Obstacle Avoiding LEGO Robot

We love LEGO and we also love Crazy Circuits so we wanted to combine the two into a simple and fun robot that can avoid running into walls and other objects.

Instructables: Arduino Controlled Robotic Biped

In this Instructable, I will show you the design and assembly of the robotic biped.

Instructables: DMX Animatronic Robot

This project describes the development of a fully functional animatronic prototype.

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