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K-12 Education 23 listings
The STEMAZing Project: STEMAZing Sciencing and Engineering Journals
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

The PQRST Sciencing Journal helps young scientists do some sciencing by MadLibbing them through how to design a good science experiment.

The STEMAZing Project: A Frog Swamp Mystery Science Journal
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

This journal will help you engage students with the nature of data collection and making claims based on evidence.

The STEMAZing Project: Barcoding EdVentures with Edison Journal
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

Using noticing and wondering, structure and function, this journal will introduce compute scientists to Edison robots using the barcode programs in an inquiry-focused way.

The STEMAZing Project: Ant Wrangling PQRST Sciencing Journal
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

Ant Wrangling makes for a great way to introduce students to the PQRST Sciencing Journal.

The STEMAZing Project: Diecast Car Loop-the-Loop PQRST Sciencing Journal
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

Engage students with an awesome scientific experiment to guide students through how to use this Journal to design and carry out scientific investigations, create claims based on evidenced backed with scientific reasoning, and to keep wondering.

The STEMAZing Project: Engineering the World’s Best Glider using IDEAS Engineering Journal
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

This lesson serves as a great introduction to the engineering design process when you have a design or prototype and you are attempting to improve that design.

The STEMAZing Project: Got Problems? Let’s Solve ’em Engineering Journal
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

This journal will walk students step-by-step through the engineering design process as it relates to solving a problem for a person, animal, or plant.

The STEMAZing Project: Worm World – #SciencingAndEngineering with Maddie Schepper
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

A Life Science Project for Wormologists

The STEMAZing Project: Right the Ribeter Engineering Journal
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

Use this journal to introduce your students to the engineering design process

The STEMAZing Project: IDEAS Engineering Journal
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

The IDEAS Engineering Journal is designed to be used to engage students to iterate through then engineering design process using a starting model of something they have built.

The STEMAZing Project: STEMAZing Journal Hack
Pima County School Superintendent's Office

Make graph paper STEMAZing journals that require no staples or tape using an old bookbinding trick.

Category: K-12 Education

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