Earth Sciences 989 listings
Arizona Game and Fish Department: Focus Wild Arizona Activity Sheets - Petroglyphs
Arizona Game and Fish Department

Petroglyphs, pictures carved onto the surface of rocks, are the most common type of rock art in Arizona.

Arizona Game and Fish Department: Focus Wild Arizona Activity Sheets - Wild Place Names
Arizona Game and Fish Department

Seventy-five years ago, archaeologists made an exciting discovery. On the edge of the Gila River, near where Interstate 10 now runs, they found the remains of a long-forgotten Hohokam town.

Arizona Game and Fish Department: Focus Wild Arizona Activity Sheets - John Wesley Powell
Arizona Game and Fish Department

John Wesley Powell, a geology teacher who lost an arm in a Civil War battle, had become enchanted with the wild rivers of the western United States.

Brains On! Volcanoes in Space
Brains On!

The biggest volcano in our solar system is not on Earth — and its footprint is as big as the entire state of Arizona.

Brains On! What's Behind the Waves and Tides?
Brains On!

Sir Isaac Newton drops by and drops some knowledge. He helps explain why the tides ebb and flow.

Brains On! Could It Rain Lemonade?
Brains On!

If you filled a lake with lemonade, would it rain lemonade?

Brains On! Making the Sands Sing at Great Sand Dunes National Park
Brains On!

When an avalanche happens at the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado, it sounds like the sand is singing.

Brains On! Dinosaur Bones: How Do We Know Their Age?
Brains On!

We find out how scientists look at the rock and elements AROUND a fossil to figure out its age.

Brains On! Why is the Ocean Salty?
Brains On!

If you’ve ever been in the ocean, you’ve tasted that salt. But where does it come from?

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